Friday, October 25


It is a common practice among writers to go through the topic of their choice and realize the topic that is very promising does not yield much to lure readers into their writing world. There are even times when it becomes so annoying for them that all they can think of is quitting the damn writing job. They realize how insane it is to go through a list of promising topics and end up focusing on mundane quotidian acts. Sometimes, it frustrates to think how the handsome professional writers can overcome this problem. Maybe we can learn something about their heroic triumph over the devil Writing (that's what I call this villain who voraciously eats all my reservoir of passion for writing)?
If you, too, are in such a frustrating position, then let me help. Well, that is what I love to brag about. The reason is plain and simple. I too fall into this hell and like all of you, I too search for answers to defeat this writing Yamraj, but in vain. However hard I try, the very prospect of reaching out to my readers and convincing them of my intention in luring them into my ideas turns astray.

In our wildest dreams, the subtle chance of overcoming the parasite shrinks to nil. It even makes sense to convince ourselves to permanently shut down the writing business. That is the most logical solution. No need to worry about letting our readers experience the behind the scenes about the trouble of picking up a catchy title and elaborating on the abstract matter. No worries to explain the difficulty that we had to go through and give them time for a commentary on the roles that these valued words played in reaching to these desperate and innocuous readers. 
It is convincing then to remember that the only place we can thank the readers is at the end of our glittering posts (does this really justify the state we are in??)  because had we not thought about them, life would be too hard for us to penetrate their minds and deliver what they truly seek? Or is this approach the root of all evils that have been cast upon promising writers? 
Whatever the perspective and however we try to define the problem, the problem itself is the answer. The perseverance to move on with what others expect from us pushes us to undefined heights of success. It is necessary to devote ourselves to the readers. If we fail at this, the question of continuing our legacy as an established writer will falter. It demonstrates our understanding of the purpose of writing. We write to share experiences that may be encountered by some strangers and hope that it acts to ease their pains or provide them comfort in cherishing the similarities that they encounter. Hence it is not a question to write or not to write, but a path leading to the answer that we seek...


  1. this one's fairly good. i guess you've achieved what you have have striven to in this post and the reader indeed is flung into an abyss of insecurity if writing really is a herculean task. but who knows this better than a writer?
    however, i do feel something's missing here; perhaps an example that could at least let the readers believe that you are not lying. i know that makes it seem like a typical AS Level English Language essay where our teachers so emphasize on the value of examples in our writing. dont underestimate them. sew in your examples and give authenticity to your writing.
    and the photo for a second gave me a kind of feeling that you were suggesting sexual innuendos. nonetheless, this is clever, and interesting.

    1. I got to tell you that wtiting is a herculean task but it is the expectation and the trust that we have built among the viewers which compels us to strive for the perfect blend of masterpiece.

  2. The right thing would be to write, that's the convention!

    1. I have absolutely no question about your statement. What you say is very true but seldom do we realize the thought of breaking this habit and starting to write. A few days back, I read an interesting article about the same case whose link I feel happy to share with you:
