Saturday, September 28

In soccer, nothing comes to life than the widely talked transfer window. During this period, there are some clubs that finalize the deal well before the deadline day or are at least left to consider other options. But other the past few years, no other individual has loved the deadline day signing spree than my supporting club’s manager Arsene Wenger. Best at keeping Arsenal fans (I’m included as well) hooked at the internet and leaving them to filter the rumours that could turn into reality, Wenger’s demeanor is annoying and at the same time a common practice among us. Particularly in retrospect, I find it amusing to feel that my school life has been heavily influenced by his parasitic deadline loving attitude.
It has been great to follow Wenger’s legacy as the sudden realization that the best time to complete a task is at the very last minute has produced noteworthy outcomes in my life. While these sorts of accomplishments may not be revered since the effort put into it has come in haste, I have enjoyed some instances of procrastination on my writing assignments to create a well appreciated work. For example, there has never been a time when I started my project work more than a week before the deadline. The story goes back some ten years back when I was in grade four that I first realized the true power of procrastination. My mathematics teacher had assigned a chart work during my Dashain and Tihar break and as always I had put it off until the very last when finally my brother and sister helped me to complete the homework. Then in the following years, I continued with my attitude and have been maintaining ever since (not too much to be proud of).
Even today, I put off works that need some writing to do from my part because it agitates my conscience and compels me to spend more time on the work which I find very troublesome. Since class nine, I had this habit of motivating myself to write at least one piece of essay or journal daily but have never ever been able to do so. Every time this occurs, I remind to keep up to my promise but in vain. It seems that procrastination is just an integral part that will continue to haunt me till the last piece of my work gets completed.
With the deadline day approaching, the paucity of alternative solutions circumscribed my body from distractions in completing my work and returned to my commitment mode. I was always taken back by surprise at how well my brain gets accustomed to the hasty but workable solutions. It is just so reliable, I presume.
It is plausible that the deadline day rush has handicapped me into applying for various organizations’ programs and I hate the parasite for ripping off my ambitions. It is even a shame to count the number of days on my calendar that went like this. The devotion to the lame excuses is disturbing as well. Every now and then, I keep up my spirits by promising to dump the deadline rush into the recycle bin.
I guess the deadline rush is common among us. There are cases when we rush to sort out the items for our shopping list or when we live sleepless nights just to submit a form to the authority. In some cases, it might work but it isn’t necessary that the same spell works twice.

It is only the matter of time that I and Wenger realize the drawbacks of going on a shopping spree and regret it later. I guess deadline rush is not that inspiring for you guys to adopt in your lives. Move forward with care is what I can give you as a suggestion (it is too hard for me to implement in my life at this instant). 


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